Use "howl|howled|howling|howls" in a sentence

1. The wind howled.

2. The crowd howled, delirious.

3. Teach your Beagle the “hush command.” Place a howling trigger in front of your Beagle and, when he starts to howl, say “hush” while looking them in the eye

4. The announcement provoked howls of outrage.

5. The crowd howled its displeasure.

6. Miraculously kinematic Adytums were the howls

7. Bootleg, Bootleg; Bootleg, Howl

8. I might even howl.

9. The dog howled and slunk away.

10. Outside, the high wind howled mournfully.

11. Stop howling at me.

12. Howling for blood?

13. What's Silencer howling about?

14. Blamestorming Howling Mind Glide

15. I am not howling.

16. The winds howled and moaned without letup.

17. He began to howl dismally.

18. 19 Outside,[] the high wind howled mournfully.

19. I am not howling!

20. The baby is howling.

21. Why would they howl?

22. Soon —A Day of Howling!

23. His comments were met with howls of outrage.

24. Her speech was greeted with howls of derision.

25. He gave a howl of pain.

26. The dog gave a mournful howl.

27. An eerie howl filled the cave.

28. Her speech was met with hoots/howls of derision.

29. 'Get away, get away, get away' he howled.

30. He danced , howled, raved , and otherwise disturbed the welkin.

31. Not fucking yet, my toy!"he howled Animalisticly

32. The child set up a howl.

33. She flew into a howling rage.

34. We were howling with laughter.

35. You howl your little son.

36. It sank in a howling gale.

37. I can hear their dog howling.

38. The wind howled and the waves closed over him.

39. He let out a howl of anguish.

40. One must howl with the wolves. 

41. She let out a howl of pain.

42. African hyena noted for its distinctive howl.

43. Cutting edge, Howling Commando technology, circa 1945.

44. Stop howling and get out of here.

45. Neither film was a howling success.

46. The wind roars, the seas howl.

47. He makes audiences howl with laughter .

48. A sudden howl pierced the silence.

49. We got caught in a howling gale.

50. The proposed changes caused howls of protest from the public.

51. Upstairs, one of the twins began to howl .

52. " Hounding hoodlums with a howl... hear his growl "

53. 13 African hyena noted for its distinctive howl.

54. 0/10 (Howling Stones) Kill Arisen mobs

55. We got stuck in a howling blizzard.

56. Republicans have been howling for military intervention.

57. If you realize that your Beagle is howling for attention or because he wants a treat, ignore the howling

58. Let's go take a howl at that moon.

59. It's not polite to howl down a speaker.

60. With a howl he leapt at his foe.

61. 2 The dog howled when it was shut in the house.

62. 29 The proposed changes caused howls of protest from the public.

63. The dog vocalized his pain in a series of long howls.

64. The wind was howling around the house.

65. Scott can howl if he needs you.

66. 8 A sudden howl pierced the silence.

67. A howl of raucous laughter came from the kitchen.

68. The dog was howling its paw was hurt.

69. We could hear wolves howling in the distance.

70. Tears rolled down its face, and It'sobbed and howled very piteously.

71. 7 With a howl he leapt at his foe.

72. Bumf is a scabrous howl from Sacco’s political id

73. He that lives with wolves will learn to howl.

74. 22 With a howl he leapt at his foe.

75. Do not be put off if some are howling.

76. A howling gale and torrential rain lashed the windows.

77. A howling snowstorm blanketed the whole field with white.

78. It swirled and howled, driving the sleet and snow towards him alone.

79. He howled like a wounded animal as blood spurted from the gash.

80. “Glimmerings, Hints, and Secret Amazements”: William Blake, Walt Whitman, and the Spiritual Incantations of Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl” Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl” is an indictment of the world